Sunday, February 21, 2010

Busy Boy

Riding the carousel at MOA

Trying to feed Maddux his yogurt

Helping mommy clean

Our sweet Valentine!

Evan LOVES playing in the snow!

So much for my goal of posting every Sunday! Life is just too busy around here!
Evan has been climbing onto everything, opening doors & cabinets, and exploring a lot lately. He loves to climb onto his little red stool or his highchair to look for "cars" out the window. He climbs onto the chairs, couch, and now has learned how to climb onto the closed toilet seat. What a little monkey!

He is obsessed with babies right now. He will point to pictures of himself in the house and say "baby". He likes to carry around his little baby doll and has to have her in the crib at night. When we are out and about he always points to other kids and says "baby". I don't think he understands that he is actually a baby, but it is cute!

It is so fun to watch him discover new things and to see him get excited over the smallest things. He squeals with delight when he sees a balloon, chases the dog, plays outside, eats blueberries, gets to push the garage door button, carries around his blankets, sees a school bus or car, plays with other kids, and listens to his music. He is such a happy little guy!

Evan is getting really good at eating with a fork and spoon. He eats yogurt, applesauce, and cereal by himself...and likes to try and have Maddux lick the spoon off! He tries to eat things with his fork, but is still sometimes having a hard time getting the food onto the fork. He also LOVES to drink out of a straw! Whenever we are at a restaurant, he goes nuts when he gets his milk in a little cup with a straw. He'll take a drink, but then also likes to play with the straw. We have had a couple episodes of milk being flung across the table...luckily it usually hits mommy or daddy and not a stranger...though that did happen once!

He is really developing his fine motor skills. He can pick up quarters off of the floor and put them into his piggy bank, put a cap onto a pen, and put the cover on my Blistex. He concentrates and doesn't seem to get discouraged if it doesn't work right away. He has also started to get into stacking blocks. He was working on it on Saturday and I wasn't paying much attention. All of a sudden, I noticed that he had 10 blocks stacked up!!! Yea!!! I think that is even more than I can stack up!

Listening to his music in the car has become one of his favorite things. My friend Kristen had given me some CD's for my baby shower. We have been listening to them in the car and now Evan is obsessed. When I turn the CD on he will squeal and rock his head from side to side. When the song ends he will say "more, more" until the next song starts up. The songs have been stuck in my head constantly...agh! Thanks Kristen!

He has been talking a lot lately. He says "baby", "mama", "dadda", "bumpa" (grandpa), "pup", "cacker" (cracker), "cheese", "anna" (Hannah), "ca" (car), "uck" (truck), "stinky" (I guess I say it alot when I change his smelly diapers), "ball", "keys", "baba" (any sort of drink), "itty" (kitty), "retty" (pretty...mommy's earrings and rings), and "nana" (banana). He has also been saying "Whoa!" alot when he thinks something is cool. Very funny!

He has been dealing with a bad cough and runny nose lately, so we're anxious for that to get better. He had pink eye last week, but luckily caught it before it got too bad. I can't wait for spring...fresh air and fresh everything!