Monday, March 22, 2010

Rough Day

This is going to be a quick posting since it is 10pm and I need to get to bed...I'll post more later in the week. I just wanted to post a picture of my poor little guy and his missing tooth!
Evan fell at daycare today and knocked out his front tooth. When Betsy first called me to tell me that he had fallen, his tooth was just bleeding. When I called back awhile later to see if it was any better, his tooth fell out while I was talking to her. I panicked a little and left work to go and pick him up. He gave me a big smile when I walked in...he looked like the kid on the cover of the "Mad" magazine! I took him to my dentist to get him checked out. Luckily, the whole tooth fell out, so there is no risk of infection. They took an x-ray (which was a bit tricky) to make sure that there was no damage to the other teeth. There is nothing that they could do, so he will be missing his front tooth until his permanent one grows in. Agh!! I know that it is a petty thing, but I am so sad that my baby doesn't have his cute little teeth anymore. I'm grateful that he is okay, but am having a hard time knowing that he will have a missing tooth until he is 6 or 7. I guess the tooth fairy needs to come tonight...a few years earlier than I thought!