Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday and Happy Halloween!

Our little dinosaur...

Decorating cookies...

Check out those lips!

He was VERY upset when he saw this squirrel eating his pumpkin!

Evan turned 2 on Oct. 21st...happy birthday Evan! If you ask him how old he is, he will say "two" and hold up all 10 fingers. I know that I say it often, but seems like just yesterday that he was born. How can two years have gone by this fast?! Aaron and I were talking about how last year at this time, he wasn't even walking. Now he is running, jumping, climbing, and galloping! What in the world is he going to be doing when he is 3??!!!

Evan is such a happy, sweet boy. He definitely has his moments, but overall he is pretty laid back and go with the flow. We are having so much fun with him! He has been talking so much and the things that he comes up with just make us laugh. Here are some of the most common things that we hear these days...

* "Mommy, daddy....what dis dat?" (Pointing to things in books, outside, in the car, even an old guy at Target yesterday)
* "Evan do it" (about almost everything!)
* "No diaper change" (everytime we get him up in the morning or from a nap)
* "No poopin'" (which means that yes, he is pooping)
* "No pull puppy's tail" (as he is pulling Maddux's tail)
* "More boots" (when he wants to watch Dora the Explorer)
* "Evan's nipple (yep...exactly that!)
* "No mommy do dat" (when I do something he doesn't sing!)

Here are some of the things that he is doing...
* Mimics everything that we say and everything that he hears.
* Seems to remember things that happened and will bring them up weeks later.
* He is very independent right now and likes to do things himself.
* LOVES diggers, dump trucks, and anything construction!
* Likes to play with his Legos and build things with daddy
* Reads his books and will sit and seems to be mesmerized by certain ones
* Loves music...I hope he'll play guitar, piano, trumpet...just not the drums!
* Talks to his stuffed animals
* Likes to talk on the phone...even if the person on the other end can't tell what he is saying!

I was off for MEA on his birthday and the day after, so we had a great time! Grandma Mary Jo came up and were busy! We went to the Mall of America on his birthday and spent lots of time at Underwater World. He loved watching the fish, sharks, and turtles. He especially liked it when they swam over his head! We also went on the carousel, where he insisted on riding the giraffe. Friday we hung out at home and then went to his 2 year appointment. He weighs 33 pounds and is 37 1/4 inches tall. He continues to be in the 97%...big boy!

On Saturday we had his birthday party. The weather was beautiful and we couldn't have asked for a better day. It was a construction theme, so my mom and I made a "digger" cake...complete with candy rocks!

Early Monday morning (12am to be exact), I heard a strange noise coming from his room. I went in, and he had thrown up everywhere. He was sitting up saying "Evan burped"...poor kid! Aaron threw his sheets in the wash and I stuck him in the tub. He climbed into our bed and just wanted to snuggle. Four pairs of pj's, 2 pillowcases, 2 of my shirts, and a few towels later, we were asleep for the night. I stayed home with him Monday and then I got sick and stayed home on Tuesday. Evan was back to his normal self on Wednesday and still says, "Evan all more burps!"

He was a dinosaur for Halloween and had his "roar" perfected. We went to a birthday party yesterday, and he wore his costume. He wasn't excited about putting it on, but then didn't want to take it off. Today we carved pumpkins, decorated pumpkins cookies (Evan just ate the frosting and sprinkles out of the bowl), and went to a few houses in our neighborhood. He had fun and seemed to think it was cool to walk in the street with his dinosaur costume! He also handed out some candy at our house, though most of the kids who came looked way too old to be trick or treating!

Well...our baby is 2 and seems to be growing everyday. I know that I can't slow down time, so I guess we just have to really enjoy it. We cherish his giggles, his funny questions, and his especially the snuggle times...since we know he won't be cuddling on our laps when he is 16!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Love your costume, Evan! VERY cute!!